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Azerbaijan Violates Ceasefire in Armenia's Nerkin Hand and Srashen Border Villages

Armenian Border

On June 20, at 3:50 p.m., the peace in the border villages of Nerkin Hand and Srashen in Armenia was shattered when Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire agreement once again. According to the official report from Armenia's Defense Ministry, Azerbaijani units opened fire against Armenian combat positions in the area.

The unprovoked attack on the Armenian positions has raised concerns over the fragile state of the ceasefire in the region. Armenia has been engaged in efforts to maintain peace and stability after the 2020 Second Artsakh War, but such violations put those efforts at risk.

Both Nerkin Hand and Srashen have been witnessing tensions and hostilities in the past, making the latest ceasefire violation a cause for alarm. The incident has sparked heightened vigilance in Armenia and emphasizes the need for continued diplomatic engagement to ensure the restoration of peace and the prevention of further escalations.

The Defense Ministry of Armenia has taken note of the situation and is closely monitoring developments. Any further actions will be addressed through appropriate channels and in accordance with established protocols.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding the ceasefire agreements and engaging in dialogue to resolve any outstanding issues peacefully. Regional stability and the well-being of civilians living in the border areas remain a priority for Armenia, and adherence to the ceasefire is critical to achieving these objectives.


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