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Children from the Nagorno-Karabakh War Who Died or Were Injured Due to Azerbaijani Aggression

Updated: 5 days ago

Children from the Nagorno-Karabakh War Who Died or Were Injured Due to

The Artsakh War has taken a heavy toll on its youngest population, leaving many children mourning the loss of their fathers, brothers, grandfathers, and uncles. As the war escalated in September 2020, Azerbaijani aggression forced families to flee their homes, shattering lives and dreams. For some of these children who are no longer with us, will never graduate from school, get married, and grow old. And for the rest of the other children who survived the Azerbaijani aggression, the scars of war run deep, as they navigate a world filled with grief, fear, and uncertainty.

Many children witnessed their fathers and older brothers being taken away to fight, some never to return. The trauma of losing loved ones is etched into their hearts. Each empty chair at the family table serves as a painful reminder of the sacrifices made. Parents, once the protectors, have become victims of a conflict that has claimed countless lives. The absence of these role models leaves a void that cannot be filled, leaving children to grapple with their emotions in a world turned upside down.

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In addition to losing family members, many children were forced to abandon their homes, becoming refugees overnight. They left behind not just their houses, but their schools, friends, and familiar surroundings. The forced displacement has stripped them of their sense of security and belonging. Now living in temporary shelters or with relatives, they face the daunting challenge of rebuilding their lives in a new environment, often lacking basic necessities.

The horrors of war have also left an permanent mark on their mental health. Children have witnessed unimaginable violence, suffering, and death, leading to nightmares and anxiety that linger long after the fighting stops. Many struggle to comprehend the violence around them, grappling with feelings of helplessness and despair.

Reports from human rights organizations highlight the systematic ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, further exacerbating the plight of these children. Discrimination, intimidation, and forced displacement have left many feeling abandoned and isolated. As the world watched, the cries of these children for justice and peace remained unheard.


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