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EXCLUSIVE: Councilmember Ara Najarian Suing City of Glendale, Alleging Violation of Constitutional Rights

Updated: Apr 4, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Councilmember Ara Najarian Suing City of Glendale, Alleging Violation of Constitutional Rights

In an exclusive interview with The Armenian Report, Glendale City Councilmember Ara Najarian revealed his plans to sue the city of Glendale, asserting that his constitutional rights were violated and that he was denied due process during a recent mayoral selection process.

Najarian, a prominent figure in Glendale politics with a long history of public service, outlined his concerns about the events leading up to the selection of the city's mayor. He began by recounting the evolution of the selection process, highlighting previous inconsistencies and disputes within the council regarding the criteria for mayoral succession.

"So, previously, five years ago and way back down, we had an unwritten policy saying that the person who had gone the longest without being mayor could be mayor. But that policy was broken many times where someone would be skipped over at the last moment and not be given the mayorship, even though it was their turn. I mean, it wasn't a law—kind of like a loose understanding, let's put it that way," Najarian explained.

He went on to describe a reform effort initiated by Councilmember Ardy Kassakhian three years ago, which aimed to establish a more transparent and consistent selection process. This effort culminated in the unanimous approval of the "selection of mayor law" by the council in 2021, intended to provide clarity and fairness in determining the next mayor.

However, Najarian alleged that a loophole in the law was exploited during last night’s mayoral selection process, allowing certain council members to deviate from the established criteria. This deviation, he claims, resulted in his exclusion from consideration for the mayoral position, despite being next in line according to the law.

Reflecting on the proceedings, Najarian expressed frustration over what he perceived as a denial of his constitutional rights. "Whenever you have a hearing to take a right away from someone, like they were doing last night, that person is entitled to due process," he asserted. "The same due process when we talk about you can't take someone's life, liberty, or property without due process."

EXCLUSIVE: Councilmember Ara Najarian Suing City of Glendale, Alleging Violation of Constitutional Rights

Najarian also criticized what he viewed as improper legal advice given by the city attorney during the proceedings. "The city attorney made a series of completely wrong legal advice to council," he remarked. "And the city attorney said no, I'm not entitled. The lawyer, I'm not entitled to witnesses, I'm not entitled to a fair trial, I'm not entitled to judges who are not biased, I'm not entitled to cross-examination, and I'm not entitled to as much time as I want."

Expressing his disappointment with the outcome of the selection process, Najarian announced his intention to file a lawsuit against the city of Glendale. "We, meaning me and my attorney, are going to be suing the city based on their improper actions last night and will be seeking to overturn Elen's selection as mayor and ask for a fair hearing on the subject," he declared.

Councilmember Ardy Kassakhian weighed in on the controversy surrounding the mayoral selection process. Kassakhian echoed Najarian's concerns about fairness and transparency, emphasizing the need for elected officials to uphold democratic principles and ensure equal opportunities for all council members.

"If Ara had been mayor, it would have prevented Elen from ever being mayor during her first term, and possibly only term. I'll be honest with you, I don't know if Elen gets re-elected. Let her have a moment. Whether we all agree with Elen or not, whether there are people who have issues with her or not, that's irrelevant," Kassakhian told The Armenian Report. "And I will tell you this much, if the roles were reversed, if Elen had been mayor four times and was seeking a fifth term, and Ara was the new council member and never got to be mayor and was going to be passed over, I would have fought just as hard for Ara, because for me it's about fairness."

“More people preferred Elen over Ara, and now Ara will leapfrog over her because of a technicality in the law that no one who wrote that law foresaw happening. It would have been my preference for Ara to forego his current mayorship and give it to a colleague who didn't have that opportunity, especially when people come to City Hall and they see that in the last hundred and twenty years of Glendale's existence, there's only been less than a handful of woman mayors. That's not the kind of city I want to live in. I want to live in a city where we have good people running for office, representing all segments of the community, whether we agree with them or not. And I think Ara has done a great job serving this community; I have nothing against Ara. However, I don't want someone who's run and been democratically elected, received resounding support during elections, to be left out of the mayorship selection process," Kassakhian elaborated to The Armenian Report.

Najarian's decision to pursue legal action comes as a surprise to many in the Glendale community, where he is widely respected for his decades of public service and advocacy. A seasoned politician with a background in law and community activism, Najarian has been a prominent figure in Glendale politics for many years.

Born and raised in Ohio, Najarian moved to Glendale in 1980. He has deep roots in the community and a long-standing commitment to serving its residents. He has served on various boards and commissions, including the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education and the Glendale Community College Board of Trustees.

In addition to his political career, Najarian has been actively involved in advocacy work, particularly within the Armenian community. He has been a vocal advocate for Armenian Genocide recognition and has worked tirelessly to promote awareness and education about Armenian history and culture.

As Najarian prepares to take legal action against the city, the outcome of his lawsuit remains uncertain. However, his decision to challenge the recent mayoral selection process shows the ongoing tensions and divisions within the Glendale community.

16 comentarios

Glendale Parent
Glendale Parent
18 abr 2024

Elen isn't confident in herself, you can see it in her tone, on her face and by that haricut. She says she works hard, so then keep it up and when your time comes, you'd fulfill it, just like how everyone else does. Ardy talk about it's only fair to have Elen be the mayor, seriously? Claiming a position based on 'fairness' doesn't hold water when it comes to the law. It's only fair for Ardy to keep his home door wide open in the event a needy homeless looks for a place to stay, would he do that? I doubt it. Dictator Dan is a story on its own, he has the audacity to spew lies on a televise…

Me gusta

06 abr 2024

It is baffling that the Council knowing the financial issues within the city would expose the tax payers of the city to a lawsuit that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars only to loose. With the need for infrastructure 6 of the 9 firehouses need to be replaced, city workers are leaving in droves cause the city is so far behind in pay compared to other city’s. Having this Karen as mayor with her BLM support and her LGBTQLMNOP support for trans and putting our kids in danger. She knows she will not get elected to a second term so she needs this on her resume for another failed run to Sacramento. I hope Ara sues and wins b…

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04 abr 2024

Ara Najarian uses his civic position to grandstand for attention. He can't stand not being in the spotlight. And if things go quiet he makes some noise himself - his bigoted and divisive comments on topics such as transgender rights are well known. There's a segment of the Glendale electorate that is happy to see this kind of disruption. Making him mayor (again, four times isn't enough?) panders to them.

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04 abr 2024

Is there anyway to reject Elen? She doesn't have the experience! She cannot control her emotions. She's a loose cannon. She proved last week that her temper is not under control and there is no way our city is safe with her as mayor. 90% of the people that spoke at yesterday's meeting said we DO NOT want her. Aren't Ardy and Dan supposed to represent us?? This is ridiculous, I hope she seeks therapy and help and gets on some medications before ruining our city. If anything I think I respect Ara more to have his son and family beside him. They're all educated, smart, hardworking, and UNITED. Proves he knows how to have a grip on his family...

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04 abr 2024
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Najarian is a whiny attention whore who has his own interests at heart, not the voters of Glendale. His actions since the meeting prove that he is not above browbeating his family into supporting his fantasies.

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04 abr 2024

Disgusted? Yes. Surprised? No. What else did y'all expect from #KarenElen. She has the haircut and attitude so it fits perfectly. Only thing would be a karen doesn't deserve to be disrespected being compared to her.

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04 abr 2024
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HA! Karen Elen. I like it. Very fitting.

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