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Former Human Rights Defender Condemns Armenian Government’s Acknowledgment of Incident Amidst Azerbaijani Attack

Former Human Rights Defender Condemns Armenian Government’s Acknowledgment of Incident Amidst Azerbaijani Attack

Former Human Rights Defender of Armenia, Arman Tatoyan, voiced strong disapproval of Armenia's authorities for acknowledging and "confessing" to Azerbaijan regarding an incident in the Nerkin Hand village region of Syunik Province. Tatoyan expressed his concerns on Facebook, stating that such actions contribute to an Azerbaijani agenda.

He emphasized the absurdity of the situation, questioning why Armenia feels the need to investigate an incident when it is evident that Azerbaijani armed servicemen have invaded Armenian territory. Tatoyan challenged the notion that the presence of Azerbaijani forces within Armenia is anything but illegal and criminal.

Tatoyan highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by residents in the affected areas, such as the deprivation of drinking water, the disruption of livelihoods, and restrictions on visiting graves and churches. He emphasized the difficulties imposed on the lives of the people in Nerkin Hand, with Azerbaijani forces surrounding the village on three sides and shooting in the direction of nearby settlements.

In contrast to the authorities' response, Tatoyan urged a shift in focus to the heroic efforts of Armenia's servicemen who tirelessly protect the life and health of the population. He asserted that this should be the primary agenda and belief of the Armenian side, emphasizing the need to prioritize the well-being of the people over compliance with Azerbaijan's dictates.


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