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PM Pashinyan Threatens Tavush Residents: Government Will Use Force if Resistance to Abandon Homes Continues

PM Pashinyan Threatens Tavush Residents: Government Will Use Force if Resistance to Abandon Homes Continues

In a tense encounter with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, residents of Kirants village in Tavush Province expressed growing unease and disappointment. The meeting, held on Monday, left villagers feeling disillusioned as their concerns remained unaddressed, despite hopes for positive outcomes.

Kamo Shahinyan, the head of Kirants village, recounted the villagers' sentiments following the meeting. "The proposals we presented were not taken into account. It was the same scenario, the same conversation," Shahinyan remarked. Villagers had anticipated favorable news but left the meeting with heightened unease.


The backdrop to this unease stems from ongoing protests against the proposed surrender of land to Azerbaijan, a contentious issue sparking fears among residents. The Tavush for the Homeland civil movement, representing the villagers, lamented the government's failure to reduce their concerns. "This is yet another indication that the current Armenian government lacks clear and alternative political strategy to ensure the security of its citizens," the movement stated.


The meeting's outcome reinforced the villagers' apprehensions regarding their security and property rights. The government's inability to provide assurances further fueled skepticism about its commitment to safeguarding the interests of border communities.

Despite the disappointment, the villagers remain steadfast in their resistance, symbolized by the continued closure of roads in Tavush. Their hope for change persists, even as the situation remains unchanged.

The border delimitation process, agreed upon by Armenian and Azerbaijani commissions, has intensified anxieties among villagers. The proposed delineation, slated to commence from Tavush Province, has raised concerns about territorial concessions and security risks.

Under the proposed agreement, Azerbaijan stands to gain territory, while Armenia hopes for reduced security risks along the border. However, the specifics of the arrangement, including changes to motorways and troop deployments, have not eased fears among Tavush residents.

Protests along the Armenia-Georgia interstate motorway, ongoing since April 19, shows the depth of opposition to the border delimitation agreement. Villagers stand united against perceived threats to their land and security, demanding an end to the contentious process.

The unresolved tensions between the Armenian government and border communities reflect broader concerns about sovereignty, security, and the protection of citizens' rights. 


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