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Viral Wedding Video: Filipino Bride Shocks Armenian Groom with Fluent Vows in Western Armenian

Updated: 1 day ago

Shahan Krakirian and Michelle Alacon Krakirian wedding
Photographer: Madison Delaney

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: A social media video has gone viral within the Armenian community, and we've got more insight into it! This story has captured the hearts of millions after a wedding video, widely shared across social media, caught everyone's attention. The video, shared by filmmaker Chris Mai, owner of Goodco Studios, features the marriage of Shahan Krakirian, an Armenian man, and Michelle Alacon Krakirian, a Filipino woman. It wasn’t just any wedding moment that made the world stop and watch; it was the bride’s heartfelt vows, delivered in fluent Western Armenian—a language she had quietly learned in the months leading up to their special day.

The video shows Michelle reciting her vows, her voice steady but emotional, as Shahan’s eyes fill with tears. His parents, seated in the front row, also break down, overwhelmed with joy. This touching scene of love, cultural respect, and dedication moved not only the guests at the wedding but viewers worldwide, who shared the video thousands of times.

Shahan Krakirian and Michelle Alacon Krakirian wedding
Photographer: Madison Delaney

Behind this beautiful moment is a deeper story of love, hard work, and two people bringing together different cultures. In an exclusive interview with The Armenian Report, Michelle opened up about the journey leading up to the wedding and how she managed to surprise her husband with a vow in his native language.

Michelle and Shahan’s love story began in 2015, at a mutual friend’s birthday party in Las Vegas. Mark, their close Armenian friend, introduced the couple. Coincidentally, Shahan’s father had attended elementary school in Lebanon with Mark’s mother, and both families had relocated to Los Angeles around the same time. This connection led Shahan and Mark to grow up as best friends, while Michelle became friends with Mark during their time at UC Irvine.

Shahan Krakirian and Michelle Alacon Krakirian wedding
Photographer: Madison Delaney

“We hit it off right away at that birthday party,” Michelle recalled. “It felt like we were meant to meet. We had been together for years before we got married.” Despite both attending UC Irvine for three years at the same time, they never crossed paths until that fateful birthday party.

As the couple planned their wedding, Michelle came up with the idea to say her vows in Armenian to surprise Shahan and his family. It wasn’t an easy feat. Shahan’s family speaks Western Armenian, a dialect primarily spoken by Armenians from Lebanon. Learning it required not only dedication but also finding the right tutor.

Michelle explained, “At first, I thought I’d just learn a one-liner in Armenian to surprise Shahan, but I realized that if I was going to do it, I might as well go all in.” She searched for tutors in Glendale but ran into a common issue — most taught Eastern Armenian. Finally, she found Shushan, a tutor who had learned Western Armenian during her university studies.

Shahan Krakirian and Michelle Alacon Krakirian wedding
Photographer: Madison Delaney

For four months, leading up to the wedding, Michelle secretly took lessons via video chat with Shushan Grigorian. She practiced her vows in a rec room in her apartment complex, sneaking away while Shahan remained completely unaware. “I had flashcards and notes that I kept hidden from him. There were times I thought he’d caught me, but luckily, he didn’t,” Michelle shared with a laugh.

The couple chose Calamigos Ranch in Malibu as the venue for their special day in November 2023. On the big day, Michelle stood in front of Shahan, her nerves high, but her determination even stronger. She recited her vows in Armenian, blending her love for Shahan with a deep respect for his heritage. 

Shahan Krakirian and Michelle Alacon Krakirian wedding
Photographer: Madison Delaney

Shahan, overwhelmed with emotion, started tearing up immediately, and the entire room followed suit. “I knew he’d cry — he’s emotional — but I didn’t expect everyone else to. People who didn’t even understand Armenian came up to me afterward, telling me they were crying during the ceremony,” Michelle said.

She believes the raw emotion of the moment resonated with everyone present. “I think it was the combination of his reaction and his parents’ reaction. They were so touched by the effort I put in. His family has always been very welcoming to me, and they never pressured me to learn Armenian, but they were so appreciative of the fact that I did.”

Shahan Krakirian and Michelle Alacon Krakirian wedding
Photographer: Madison Delaney

Now, nearly a year after the wedding, Michelle and Shahan are expecting their first child, a daughter, and are eagerly preparing for her arrival. Michelle, who is 38 weeks pregnant, shared her excitement about raising their child in a bilingual and multicultural household. “We want her to learn Armenian, Tagalog — my native language — and English. It’s important to us that she embraces both of her cultural identities.”

Though Michelle admits she doesn’t speak Tagalog fluently, she’s determined to help her daughter learn as much as possible. “I understand it well, but I wasn’t raised speaking it much. I want her to have the chance to be connected to both sides of her heritage.”

Michelle offers thoughtful advice to couples who come from different cultural backgrounds. “I’ve learned that there’s so much beauty in combining cultures. It doesn’t have to be limiting for your children. It might take extra effort, but if it’s important to you, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience.”

For those who might face resistance from their families for marrying outside their culture, Michelle believes in the power of small, consistent efforts. “A little bit of effort goes a long way. Whether it’s learning a few phrases in your partner’s language or showing interest in their customs, people notice that. It can change perceptions, just like my learning Armenian surprised and touched Shahan’s family.”

Michelle’s journey from surprise wedding vows to becoming part of a growing Armenian-Filipino family is a reminder of how love can break down barriers, bring cultures together, and create something uniquely beautiful. Her story has inspired people across the world, demonstrating that with effort, understanding, and love, we can all celebrate the richness of our diverse heritages while creating new traditions of our own.

As the viral video continues to spread across social media, it serves as a testament to the power of love and the beauty of cultural unity — an inspiring story that resonates with viewers far and wide.

Shahan Krakirian and Michelle Alacon Krakirian wedding
Photographer: Madison Delaney

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